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关键词 钎焊地质 , 金刚石钻头|2010-01-29 00:00:00|来源 中国超硬材料网
摘要 摘要为探索钎焊技术在地质金刚石钻头制造中的应用,本文在分析与比较钎焊法、电镀法和热压法各自优缺点的基础上,介绍了钎焊金刚石钻头的制作工艺,并采用Ni—Cr合金钎料制作了...

  摘要 为探索钎焊技术在地质金刚石钻头制造中的应用,本文在分析与比较钎焊法、电镀法和热压法 各自优缺点的基础上,介绍了钎焊金刚石钻头的制作工艺,并采用Ni—Cr合金钎料制作了,Φ35 mm、Φ50mm、Φ70mm三种规格的薄壁钻头;对试制的钻头进行了室内钻进试验,钻进材料为混凝土、钢筋混凝土和花岗岩。试验发现,烧结温度和钎焊材料中添加剂的成分与含量对金刚石钻头的性能有着非常重要的影响,烧结温度为980oC时钻头的性能最好,加入低熔点的Cu合金可以明显改善钎料与基体的浸润性。钻进结果表明:钎焊地质金刚石钻头具有金刚石出刃高,钻进时效好,寿命长等优点,该技术在金刚石钻头领域的开发与运用中具有重要的意义。(金刚石与磨料磨具工程2009年第一期)
  Abstract In order to explore the application of brazing technology in the manufacture of diamond bit.fabrication technology of brazed diamond bit was introduced in this paper on the base of analyzing advantages and disadvantages of brazing,electroplating and hot—pressing method respectively.Three types of thin wall diamond bits were manufactured with Ni-Cr brazing filler. A laboratory drilling test was carried out on those new monolayer diamond bits.The drilling materials were concrete,reinforced concrete and granite.The tesI results showed that sintering temperature,composition and content of solder additive played an important role in the performances of diamond bit;A diamond bit had the best performance when it was sintered at 9 80 oC:some additional low melting point metals such as Cu alloy can improve the wettabilitv between diamond and matrix obviously.The drilling test results indicated that brazed diamond bit had superiorities of good diamond exposure,better sharpness and longer lifespan compared with the two conventional kinds.and it meant this brazing technology used in the development and application of diamond bit had important significance.


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