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关键词 合成温度 , 聚晶金刚石|2010-01-28 00:00:00|来源 中国超硬材料网
摘要 摘要本文利用六面顶压机,在高温高压条件下进行了合成聚晶金刚石的实验。研究了合成温度对聚晶金刚石晶粒大小和黏结剂分布的影响。用扫描电子显微镜观察了相同压力、不同合成温度条件下合成出的...

  摘要 本文利用六面顶压机,在高温高压条件下进行了合成聚晶金刚石的实验。研究了合成温度聚晶金刚石晶粒大小和黏结剂分布的影响。用扫描电子显微镜观察了相同压力、不同合成温度条件下合成出的聚晶金刚石的断口形貌。结果表明,合成温度高时(1 650 o C):晶粒尺寸稍小,金属黏结剂分布均匀;合成温度低时(1 590 o C),晶粒尺寸稍大,金属黏结剂分布不均匀。这可能是因为,当温度高时,金刚石生长驱动力小,生长速度稍慢,在相同时间条件下,晶粒尺寸稍小。同时温度稍高,黏结剂流动性增强,更有利于其均匀分布。(金刚石与磨料磨具工程2009年第一期)
  Abstract In this article,the influence of synthesis temperature on polycrystalline diamond(PC D)was investigated by the experiment of PCD synthesizing under high pressure and high temperature(HPHT)in a cubic press.The fractograph of synthesis PCD sample was observed by SEM at the same pressure and different synthesis temperatures.The results indicated that,the synthesis temperature affected the grain size of PCD and the distribution of the metal bond in such a rules as,the higher the temperature,the smaller the grain size,and the more uniform the distribution of metal bond,vice versa.We inferred that the diamond driving force and growth rate has decreased with the increment of temperature,SO the grain size has became smaller in the same heating time.Higher temperature enhanced the bonding fluidity simultaneously,which improved its uniform distribution.


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