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关键词 有限元法 , 硅片 , 冰冻 , 固结磨料|2010-01-27 00:00:00|来源 中国超硬材料网
摘要 摘要本文分析了低温固结磨料抛光硅片的传热模型,并借助有限元软件ANSYS对热传导过程进行了仿真,获得了冰冻磨具在不同抛光时刻的温度场等温图及工作区域的融化厚度值。并且在相同工艺参数...

  摘要 本文分析了低温固结磨料抛光硅片的传热模型,并借助有限元软件ANSYS对热传导过程进行了仿真,获得了冰冻磨具在不同抛光时刻的温度场等温图及工作区域的融化厚度值。并且在相同工艺参数下,进行抛光实验,验证了有限元数值分析结果。分析仿真结果表明:环境温度为20oC情况下,磨削热并非是导致冰冻磨具融化的主要原因,周围空气对流换热对温度场的影响较大,磨具温升速度为先快后慢,抛光区域的融化速度比较稳定。采用此有限元模型,可以分析抛光时间、环境温度等参数对温度场的影响,为低温固结磨料抛光硅片的温度场研究提供理论指导。(金刚石与磨料磨具工程2009年第一期)
  Abstract Heat transfer model was analyzed for polishing with ice fixed abrasives in this paper.With ANSYS finite element,the value of temperature fields for polishing was simulated.The temperature contour map of temperature field and the melting thickness values of working area of ice fixed abrasive tool were obtained.Polishing experiments were conducted with the same technological parameters.Compared with polishing experiments,the simulation result of FEM model was proved to be right.According to the simulation result of FEM,we can get the main reason of melting of working area in ice fixed abrasive tool which is not grinding heat but air convection surrounding the tool at 20oC ambient.The temperature increment followed a rule of 6rSt fast then slow. Melting velocity curve of working area of ice fixed abrasive tool was steady and change little.Other technical parameters( for example ambient temperature or polishing time) can be analyzed in advance by the FEM model,and provide theoretical guidance for research of temperature field of polishing with ice fixed abrasives


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