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关键词 硅片 , 自旋转磨削 , 仿真木|2010-01-22 00:00:00|来源 中国超硬材料网
摘要 摘要本文利用数学矩阵方法,建立大尺寸硅片自旋转磨削运动的理论模型,研究了砂轮半径、硅片和砂轮旋转速度、旋转方向等因素的选择及各因素对磨削轨迹的影响,同时还研究了磨粒合成运动速度的变...

  摘要 本文利用数学矩阵方法,建立大尺寸硅片自旋转磨削运动的理论模型,研究了砂轮半径、硅片和砂轮旋转速度、旋转方向等因素的选择及各因素对磨削轨迹的影响,同时还研究了磨粒合成运动速度的变化规律。研究结果表明,随着砂轮半径的增大,磨削轨迹的曲率减小,选用较小直径砂轮将更有利硅片表面质量的提高。当转速比i大于零,随着i值的增大,磨削轨迹的曲率逐渐减小。在转速比i小于零的情形,当转速比i=-2时,磨削轨迹曲率为O,磨削轨迹的形状接近一条直线。磨粒合成运动速度随砂轮转速和硅片转速的增大而增大。(金刚石与磨料磨具工程2009年第五期)
  Abstract By use of matrix method,the mathematical model of grinding marks on large size wafer self-rotating grinding is developed.With the developed model,the selection principles of the factors which include the radius of the diamond wheel,the rotating speed,the rotation direction of the silicon wafer and diamond wheel,and the relationships between grinding marks and those factors are discussed.The rules of resultant motion speed of abrasive grains are also studied.The results show that the curvature of the grinding marks will get less curved as the radius of the diamond wheel increases.A smaller diamond wheel will be better for the improvement of the surface quality of the silicon wafer.When the speed ratio i is positive,the grinding marks tend to be less curved as the speed ratio i increases.In case that the speed ratio i is negative,the curvature of the grinding mark is about 0 and the grinding mark is approximately a line when the speed ratio i is-2.The resultant motion speed of the abrasive grains goes up as the rotating speed of the diamond wheel and the wafer increases.


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