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沈阳鑫太谷机械配件制造有限公司成立于 1998 年, 已通过 GB/T19001-2008/ISO9001:2008 质量体系认证,公司占地约 40 亩, 厂房面积 3800 平方米, 正式员工 120 人, 其中技术人员 50 人, 高级职称 15 人,主要经营范围主要是金刚石压机配件、大型机械设备部件 设计及制造、风洞设备、航空发动机试车台、实验装置。

公司的主要产品有:钢环,大垫块等金刚石压机配件、机床大型 零部件、床身、工作台、横梁、立柱、主轴、高铁底模、盾钩机支架、 大型模具等。公司与北方重工、沈阳重工、沈阳旺达、中航工业空气动力研究院、大庆油田等业内知名企业均有合作。涉及航空航天、机床、电力、冶金及造船等行业。现可生产Φ800型、Φ850型两种锻造铰链梁金刚石压机。

公司具备大型设备 10 余台,其中包括:6×14 米数控龙门五面加 工中心一台、6×12 米数控龙门五面加工中心一台、4×10 龙门刨床一 台、激光切割机、落地镗床及 70 吨起吊设备等。

我们多年来以完善的产品体系、优质的产品质量、良好的服务水 准在行业赢得盛誉。产品出口俄罗斯、韩国、东南亚等国家和地区。公司将秉承以重型设备研制为平台, 以市场需求为导向,以精益制造为支撑,真诚为广大客户提供一流的产品和服务。

Shenyang Xintaigu Machinery Parts Manufacturing Co., ltd. was established in 1998, and mainly engaged in the production and processing of corollary equipment for aviation and various types of machinery parts. The company is headquartered in Shenyang, Liaoning province with 20000-square-meter production base, 9000-square-meter industrial plant, and over 300 sets of equipment. The company has strong technical force with more than 150 staff, and among them, 60 are technicist, 16 are senior engineer, 8 are skilled technician. The company has a complete business and service system, which integrates research and development, design, processing, manufacturing, equipment installation and commissioning, after-sales service and import and export business as a whole to provide customers with high-quality products and services.

Recent years, to accelerated the transformation and upgrading of artificial intelligence mechanical equipment and intelligent manufacturing, the company has set up a r&d center in Beijing -- Taigu (Beijing) science and technology research and development center, maintaining in-depth technical exchange and close cooperation with various excellent domestic and foreign research institutes, colleges and universities, and accumulating rich technical resources. Under the national strategy of "Made in China 2025", the company is on its way to be innovation-driven, quality-first and talent-oriented relying on strong basis of manufacturing production in Northeast old industry base. Vow to rise with China's manufacturing industry and achieve brilliant success!





  • 联系人:梁总
  • 电话:15210309668
  • 地址:沈阳市皇姑区桃山南路1号


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