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展会动态:华晶微钻(SCMD)即将携公司全系产品精彩亮相2016美国芝加哥国际制造技术展览会(IMTS 2016)

 2016-08-31  2340
       2016(第31届)美国芝加哥国际制造技术展览会(IMTS 2016)将于2016912-17日在美国芝加哥麦考密展览中心隆重举行。该展会始创于1954年,是由美国机械制造技术协会(AMT)主办的大型国际专业展览会,每两年在美国芝加哥市麦考密克会展中心举办一届,现已成功地举办了三十届。该展览会已成为西半球最具知名度的专业展会,是世界机床制造业新技术的发布会及风向标,被公认为全球四大机床展会之一,在国际金属加工领域具有举足轻重的领导地位。该展览会是世界机床工具行业发展的晴雨表,反映了世界机床行业发展的趋势,展览会期间举办多种形式的机械制造行业的技术交流和新产品发布会,世界各国机床协会和经济代表团都会云集IMTS

The 31st International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) will be grandly held at McCormick Place,Chicago,IL USA, during Sept. 12th-17th. IMTS was started in 1954, it is a grand international and professional exposition held by The Association of Manufacturing Technology (AMT) at McCormick Place,Chicago,IL USA, every two years. IMTS has been successfully held 30 times, which has become the most famous professional exposition in the west world. It is one of the four grandest machine tool expositions globally and enjoys leading position in field of international metal processing. Multiple kinds of technology communication and new products releasing meetings of machinery manufacture industry will be held during the exposition. Machine Tool Associations and Economic Delegations from countries all over the world will gather at IMTS.


Being a technology front runner in the field of micron diamond powder, SCMD has always been committed to providing the best products for manufacturing industry. SCMD will attend IMTS 2016 with all its superb products. Detail information is as follows:

展位号(Booth Number)West Building - W-2097

参展日期(Date)2016912-17(Sept. 12th-17th)

参展地址(Address)美国芝加哥麦考密展览中心(McCormick Place,Chicago,IL USA)

参展公司名称(Company):河南省豫星华晶微钻有限公司(SINO CRYSTAL MICRON DIAMOND;


SCMD sincerely expects regular and new customers from home and abroad to visit our booth for cooperation!





  • 联系人:刘冲
  • 电话:18631821093 0371-55619988
  • 传真:0371-55619977
  • 地址:河南省郑州市经济技术开发区第九大街出口加工区
  • 邮编:450016
  • 官网:http://www.microndiamond.com/
  • EMAIL:office@microndiamond.com