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2012-02-16 11:25:16

地点Venue:上海国际展览中心(兴义路77号)  Intex Shanghai(No.77, Rd. Xingyi)

批准单位Approved by:中华人民共和国科学技术部  Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China

支持单位 Supporting Organizer:中国机械工业联合会   China Machinery Industry Federation (CMIF)                          

主办单位 Organizer & Co-organizer:中国表面工程协会 China Surface Engineering Association上海科学技术开发交流中心Shanghai Science & Technology Development and Exchange Center    


       上海中壹展览有限公司 Shanghai Zhongyi Expo Co., Ltd

       上海时空展览服务有限公司 Shanghai Time & Space Expo Co., Ltd

       上海市技术经纪人事务所 Shanghai Technology Broker Agent

战略合作伙伴Strategic Partner:中国国际表面处理网 China International Website of Surface Treatment   www.51bmcl.com

国际支持 International Supporters:

       英国热喷涂和表面工程协会 British Thermal Sprayers Association

       韩国表面处理新闻社 Surface Treatment of the Korea News Agency

       阿亨大学 Werkstoff-Forum RWTH Aachen

       新加坡表工程学会  Singapore Institute of Surface Engineering

       美国热喷涂协会 American Thermal Spray Association

       德国热喷涂协会 Germany Thermal Sprayers Association

       国际热喷涂协会 International Thermal Spray Association

       日本高温学会 Japan HTS-High Spray Society

       日本热喷涂协会 Japanese Thermal Sprayers Association

       日本热喷涂学会 Japanese Thermal Spray Society

       韩国热喷涂协会 TSSEA-Thermal Spraying & Surface Engineering Association

协会支持 Supporting Associations:
       中国电器工业协会                                                       中国家用电器协会

       China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association    China Household Electrical Appliances Association 

       中国模具工业协会                                                       中国热处理行业协会
       China Die & Mold Industry Association                         China Heat Treatment Association 

       中国自行车协会                                                          中国电子企业协会
       Chinese Cycling Association                                       China Electronics Enterprises Association 

       武汉材料保护研究所                                                    中国铸造协会耐磨铸件分会
       Wuhan Research Institute of Materials Protection     China Foundry Association, Wear-resistant Castings Branch   

       中国汽车工程学会涂装技术分会                                   上海信息家电协会
       China Automotive Engineers of Society coating Technology Division  Shanghai Association for Information Appliances        

       上海热处理行业协会                                                   江苏大丰抛丸机商会
       Shanghai Heat Treatment Association                     Dafeng, Jiangsu Chamber of shot blasting machine

       China Metallurgical Mining Enterprise Association, Mine Equipment Branch

       Chinese Rare Earth Society of Professional Committee of casting alloys

       China Society for Corrosion and Protection Professional Committee of hot dip

       China fluorosilicone Association Professional Committee of fluorine silicon coating

       More information about co-organized associations can be found at the Expo official website:www.sechina.net

不仅仅是商业展会For an Experience Beyond a Tradeshow

       为全球的制造商,贸易商,分销商及进出口商提供拓展中国市场的平台。A platform for China market that benefits manufacturers, exporters and importers, distributors from the world.

建立人际网络For Network Building

       联系世界各地的专业人员,拓展人际网络It promised invaluable networking opportunities with top decision-makers and professionals in the surface finishing across the globe.

获取市场资讯For Market Intelligence

       汇集世界各地从业人员,开创市场资讯及观点交流平台,加强国际间对产业的认知。To gather surface finishing professionals from around the world creating a forum for an exchange of information and views which enhance mutual understanding and market intelligence.

关注中国市场 Focus on China market

经济增长速度保持稳定The economy maintain stable growth

       据世界银行报告,得益于一系列财政货币政策和行业复兴计划,中国2010年GDP同比增长将达到8.7%According to a recent World Bank’s report, China’s 2010 GDP growth wil reach 8.7% Due to stimulation by a series of strong fiscal, monetary policy and industry restoration plans.

       庞大的市场潜力 高品质产品和环境安全的要求China Huge Market Potential and Demand for High-Quality, Stylish Products and Environmental Safety

       在中国自身的内需市场潜力逐渐被激发后,中国用户除了关心数量外,也对技术和质量给予了更高的关注度。After China domestic demand is to be activated, Chinese user pay high attentions to quality and technology as quantity.

       城镇居民可支配收入实际增长近10%,而农村居民人均收入实际增长8.5%The per-capita disposable income of urban residents rise by about 10% and the per-capita net income of rural people should rise by about 8.5% percent in real terms.

市场信息Market News

汽车 Automotive

持续增长Sustained Growth

       2009年中国已经超越了美国和日本成为世界最大的汽车市场。2009年中国汽车销量超过1360辆。预计2010年中国汽车市场将达到15%-20%的增长,并在未来10年内保持每年100万辆的增长速度。China surpassed the USA and Japan as the world as the world’s largest automotive market in 2009. Auto sales revenue in China reached over 13.6 million unites in 2009. As predicted, China’s auto market in 2010 will maintain a growth between 15-20%, and it is expected to grow by 1 million units in each of the next 10 years.

       政府出台多项刺激汽车消费措施:排量为1.6升以下的汽车购置税为7.5%,将车辆以旧换新的补贴提高至每辆5,000-18,000元(733-2637美元)Chinese Government launched new automotive stimulus initiatives in 2010, which include a tax reduction to 7.5% on purchase of cars with an engine of 1.6 litres and below and the subsidy is raise for trade-in cars to between RMB 5,000(USD 733) and RMB 18,000 (US2,637) per vehicle.

电子产品 Electronic products

引领时尚生活 Lead Fashion Life

       中国未来10年依旧是全球最重要的电子产品制造基地和消费市场。中国电子产品的市场发展空间温和增长。预计在2010年销量总额将达到1749亿美元。China is still one of the important electronic product base and consumer markets. Its markets will see a moderate growth. To be expected, the total sales revenue will reach over US$175,9 billion.

家用电器 Home Appliance

想象无限 Endless Imagination

       根据商务部的最新消息,前8月我国家电下乡销售额破千亿。全国家电下乡产品累计销售4635.9万台,比上年同期分别增长1.6倍。As the updated news from Ministry of Commerce of P. R. China (MOF), from Jan to Aug, sales revenue of the campaign “home appliance enter Village” led by government breaks through the figure of RMB 100 billion. So far, the total number of home appliance reaches 46.36 million and increase 160% for Year 2009.Chinese Government continues to executive stimulus initiatives about “Home Appliance enters Villages”.

航空 Aviation

市场诱人 Profitable market

       As China is one of the most important markets in the world and airplane is the quick transportation tool. Now China has become the country that the airport number grows the quickest in the world and the aviation freight volume is the second largest.作为世界上最重要的市场之一,飞机是最快捷的交通工具。中国已成为世界上机场数目增长最快的国家,航空运输量也位居世界第二。

       It is predicted that China need to manufacture 1600 new feeder liners. As to 2050, China need 3000   upgraded and new ones. Now in general-purpose aircraft section, there is 900 aircraft registered in Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and Double-digit increases is existing every year. 到了2020年中国要新增干线1600架,而到2050年还需要更新和新增干线3000多架。在通用航空业,目前在民用航空局注册的飞机有900多架并且每年两位数速度增长。

       China big plane project will invest totally over RMB 200 billion that will accelerate several the development of manufacturing industries such as metallurgy, materials, coat, surface finishing, machinery industries etc.中国大飞机项目立项投入2000亿,将促进中国诸多制造领域的长足发展,如冶金业,材料业,涂料业,表面处理  业,机械装备业等。

造船业 Shipbuilding Industry

一枝独秀Outstanding Performance

       中国对铁矿石等原料的巨大需求,导致散装货船供不应求; The huge demands to the raw materials just like iron ore in China give rise that bulk carriers can not satisfy the more increase of application requirement.

       中国成为全球第二大原油进口国,政府要求原油进口50%要自己运输,导致对油轮需求增大;Oil tanker demand increases because China government request 50% of ships for transporting crude oil to be manufactured in China. Now China is the second largest crude oil importor in the world.

       中国成为世界第三大贸易国,需要大量的集装箱船。As the third biggest trade country, China needs more container ships.

八大主题 Six Themes

展品范围  Exhibition Scope






广泛的观众宣传计划Extensive Promotion Campaign for Visitors


强有力的应用协会支持 Strong Applicable associations supporting

       拥有18个应用行业协会的支持;With the supports of over 18 national & regional applicable associations;

       共拥有56000家会员单位;With over 56000 corporation members;

       业务覆盖中国31个省市自治区Business cover over 30 provinces & cities;

       超过80%的会员单位来自于锁定的应用行业,如汽车,电子电器及通讯科技产品,机械业,冶金业,塑料橡胶,交通运输业等Over 80% members from the targeted applicable industries, like automotive, E & E, telecommunication, machinery, metallurgy, plastics/rubber/chemicals/ and transportation etc.

参展细则 Exhibiting Details

       1、展台配备Booth Facility:

       ★ 标准展位费用(最少9m2)Package Stand Configuration (min.9squre meters):







       ★ 室内光地费用(36 m2起租)Indoor Raw Space (min.36squre meters):

       品牌展区:1300元/m2;国际展区:2300元/ m2;



       ★ 优惠措施:参展面积达到200平方米可享受展位费7折优惠;参展面积达到100平方米可享受展位费8折优惠;参展面积达到54平方米可享受展位费9折优惠。

       2、会刊广告Proceeding dvertisements:


       ◇ 封  面  ¥25000元    ◇ 封    底  ¥20000元   ◇ 封  二  ¥18000元   ◇ 扉    页  ¥18000元

       ◇ 封  三  ¥15000元    ◇ 彩色内页  ¥6000元    ◇ 黑白页  ¥3000元    ◇ 公司简介  ¥1000元

       注:会刊尺寸142mm(宽)× 210mm(高)

       3、额外宣传机会Extra Promotion Exposure:

       参观券     ¥50,000元/50,000张   手提袋(独家)  ¥60,000元/20,000个    充气拱门     ¥12000元/展期

       参观证吊带 ¥60,000元/30,000个   参观证胸牌   ¥60,000元/30,000个    室外空飘气球  ¥6000元/展期

联系方式Contact Us

       Shanghai Zhongyi Expo Co., Ltd 上海中壹展览有限公司                                                            


       P.c /邮编:201100                                           




       Contact/联系人:程洋 13818298091

       China Surface Engineering Association中国表面工程协会



       Tel/电话:86 10 64882552

       Fax/传真:86 10 64879322


       Contact /联系人:卢乐松 Lesong Lu





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